Tuition is an annual fee. It may be paid in full at any time during the school year or it may be paid in nine monthly installments. Payments are due on or before the first day of each month. Checks should be made payable to: Noah's Ark. Tuition can be paid with Debit or Credit Cards with a 4% service fee

No refunds are given for illness, vacations or snow days. In the event that payments are late, parents will be given up to one month to make restitution. Noah's Ark reserves the right to access an additional charge of up to 10% of the amount of past due tuition. If parents are unable to pay tuition due to economic conditions, they are advised to contact the director to discuss the situation.

Tuition and Fee Schedule

Pre-K Tuition:

  • 2-day enrollment (3 hours per day) - $150. per month
  • 3-day enrollment (3 hours per day) - $185. per month

A non-refundable Pre-K registration fee is required with the enrollment form.

  • $75 If registered by May 31st
  • $80 Between June 1st and July 31st
  • $85 August 1st - 31st
  • $90 After September 1st

PreK Registration

Kindergarten Tuition:

  • $375. per month
  • A non-refundable kindergarten registration fee of $150. is required with the enrollment to cover the curriculum materials and supplies.

Registration Form

1st - 5th grade

Enrollment/materials fee, times and rates will be based on enrollment. Please ask for details, if interested. There is an additional book and materials fee for 1st - 5th grade. The balance is due by the end of May.

Download Registration Form