Communication with Parents

Parents are kept informed of activities through monthly newsletters and notes posted in the classroom. It is not possible to bring friends or pets to school to visit unless special arrangements are made. Students' records are open only to Noah's Ark staff and the child's parents/guardians.

Health Information

Each child is required to have on file a health statement which includes a record of up-to-date immunizations and signature of the child's source of medical care. Parents have 60 days from the first day of school to submit your child's records. If your child has had a physical within the past year a copy of it is acceptable. The school must have on file a signed permission form for health care authorizing emergency care and transfer of medical records to the local hospital. Emergency phone numbers for reaching parents, guardians and other authorized persons also must be on file.

NO CHILD who arrives at school noticeably ill, with a rash or fever will be admitted for that day. Should a child become ill during the day, the parent is notified immediately. The child is taken to another area away from the other children and remains there under adult supervision until an authorized person picks them up. In the event a child contracts a communicable disease and exposes the other children; notice of such exposure will be posted. The ill child will not be permitted to return to school until the period of contagion has passed and a doctor has authorized their return.

In case of emergency during school session, staff will administer first aid. The parent will be notified as quickly as possible. If medical attention is required, the staff will call a local ambulance service to transport the child to the local hospital. Every effort will be made to contact the child's physician.


is an annual fee. It may be paid in full at any time during the school year or it may be paid in nine monthly installments. Payments are due on or before the first day of each month. Checks should be made payable to: Noah's Ark. Cash or credit/debt cards are also acceptable forms of payment. A 4% fee is added to all debt/credit payments.

No refunds are given for illness, vacations or snow days. In the event that payments are late, parents will be given up to one month to make restitution. Noah's Ark reserves the right to access an additional charge of up to 10% of the amount of past due tuition. If, after one month, payment has not been made; parents will be asked to withdraw their child from school. Further action will then be taken against the parents to retrieve the money owed. If parents are unable to pay tuition due to economic conditions, they are advised to contact the director to discuss the situation.

Pick-up and Delivery of Children

No child is to be brought into the school more than five minutes before class begins, nor be picked up more than five minutes after class is over unless prior arrangements have been made. A fee will be assessed if a child is left beyond these limits. Children are to be brought into the classroom and left only when a teacher or aide is present. Parents need to return to the classroom when picking up a child. PreK students need to be signed in and out daily. Students in K-5th grade are to be dropped off and picked up at the single front door and do not need to be signed in.

School Cancellation

Noah's Ark calendar is similar to the public schools but NOT exact. In case of a weather cancellation you will be notified by phone at least one hour prior to class. If you do not receive a phone message, classes will be held.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you provide Day Care?


Do you have revolving enrollment?

The school year runs from Labor Day to Memorial Day. After October 31st parents are obligated to pay tutition for the rest of the school year, unless moving out of the area. Parents are encouraged to have students enrolled at the beginning of September.

Are Noahs Ark Teachers PA Certified?

Yes, all K-5th grade teachers are PA Certified. All PreK and Aides have many years of experience.

Noahs Ark Question Form